A woman sitting on steps wearing bohemian winter outfit

It's All About The Journey - A Message From Our Founder

Hey there lovelies!  


I'm very excited to start sharing a little more in-depth thoughts about my journey with Kafi Folk. Life as a small business owner is like a roller-coaster, and this year has been a wild ride of self-discovery, growth, and falling in love with the incredible crafts and artisans I get to work with. For this reason, I thought it was important to start documenting it as much as my time would allow. So here goes my first post and I thought I would start by briefly recapping the year  


As you may imagine, running a small business is not a walk in the park. It's a bit like trying to spin plates on a dozen sticks all at once! But at the same time, it's also the most magical experience. Finding the right balance between following passions and sustaining a business is a challenge and one I am learning about daily.


Woman wearing Ikat Cotton Black Skirt with Hand-Knit Scarf 

A few challenges came about at the beginning of 2023 that left me questioning whether I should continue Kafi Folk or let it go. Then things turned around when I found a team of incredible artisans that were willing to help me through a rough patch and hold my hand whilst I gained my footing again. This encouraged me to shift the brands focus to the people behind the scenes, which lead me in a whole new direction and lay a new foundation for the purpose of my brand.


As I moved through the year, I established partnerships with four amazing artisan teams who welcomed me with open arms, and I was fortunate enough to meet some in person on my recent trip to India in October. I connected with a new culture and their people and learnt about the type of production structures there are and which I want to support. We co- created new collections, fresh designs, and worked with fabrics that made my heart skip a beat. This new direction birthed pieces that tell a story and had real meaning and this is the foundation I want to continue building on.


Woman Wearing Block Print Cotton Maxi Dress 

Our artisans aren't just hands that create; they're the heartbeat of Kafi Folk. Crafting isn't just a skill; it's a love language passed down through many generations, and with each new design and piece we make, we're together supporting the preservation of each craft for the next generations to come. Stories of the artisans are like a warm hug sewn into our designs, making each piece we create not just a product but a piece of their hearts as well. And I think to myself how lucky I am to arrive to this point and what a beautiful foundation to build on!


Moving into autumn, I stepped a bit more out of my comfort zone and did a photoshoot wearing our creations. Through the years, I have struggled to find the right concept for each shoot and find that one photographer I felt I could repeatedly create with. All photographers I’ve collaborated with were amazing but I desired something and didn’t know what it was. So when Anna Gajewszky contacted me to collaborate together, it opened up a different door of creativity and I said, let’s try something different! (snapshots can be seen on our instagram page and here in this post).


Handknit Scarf
As I sip my coffee and reflect on this whirlwind of a year, I can feel the winds of change. Kafi Folk is about to move in to a new chapter, get a lot more personal and more intimate with our stories. I want us to grow together, sharing stories, laughter, and maybe a tear or two. I have many dreams for Kafi Folk in 2024 and as I am preparing my goal list (which I highly recommend everyone to do before the year ends!) I am hoping that you will continue to join me on this journey going forward also.


Here's to more love, more stories, and more handmade goodness! Cheers to the dreamers, the artisans, and the ones who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Merry Christmas to you – may you have a very special end of the year with your family and friends celebrating in joy, peace and happiness whilst preparing for a new year to come.


Lots of Love,
Maxine & The Kafi Folk Team.
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