The Story of ASIGE

Founded by Dorcas Apoore in 2017, the inspiring team of ASIGE
(Advocacy for Social Inclusion and Girls Education) is a non-governmental
organization with the vision to establish skills-based training centers that empower women and young people in Ghana to safely, ethically, and sustainably earn an Independent living.

Dorcas’ desire to initiate this project stemmed from seeing her mother struggle daily to provide food for her and her siblings while growing up. During high school, she also wanted to help reduce the level of teenage pregnancies in her community. She shared her story with a young man who teamed
up with her to help her achieve the vision of empowering women and young people.

ASIGE is providing jobs and teaching artisanal
skills for over 400 women and in addition provides sexual health education, sanitary
products, and sustainable vocational training through various initiatives.

Bag Weaving Craft

The Bag weaving Craft is native to Bolgatanga, Ghana and is the chosen craft/skill that ASIGE teaches in it's centers.

The process to make one bag takes up to 14 days with intricate steps such as collecting, preparing and colouring the Veta Vera Straw (also known as Elephant Grass) to weaving and carefully finishing each piece.

Every item is woven with a unique technique, pattern and
colours to tell a story. Natural dyes such as red millet is used to dye the
straw and gives vibrant colours to the finished pieces.


Together with the team, we have selected a pattern, colours and
created a unique shape to weave our first bag and we are so pleased with the result. We believe that this is the beginning of a successful collaboration to
support Dorcas and her amazing project changing the lives of women and young alike by bringing you one of kind, unique pieces that tell a story.